Dr. Sketchy HOUSTON!!!

Posted by Mr. Mario at 9:58 PM

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First and foremost I would like to promote and encourage anyone with an artistic gene in their body to come, attend, support.... this event! I think it's badass and personally would go every week if they held it that often but right now its just once a month. So... next session is this coming Sunday!! March 16th!! 2-6pm.

I will try and post some of the favorite drawings I have done at this event as well as drawings I have done at the figure drawing sessions that are at the Art League every Saturday from 1-4pm.

Also I had a small mention in the paper about this event!!! http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/life/main/5599441.html


happykatie said...

YAY! Congrats - that was a great quote too :) We love having you and your mad skillz at Houston Sketchy.

See you Sunday!! Woo HOO!